Pamela Bond

About the Author

The Authenticity Compass

About the Author

Pamela Bond earned a master’s degree from Northeastern University’s Graduate School of Engineering. Her professional career spans the disciplines of medical and bio-behavioral research, software development, corporate planning, and management consulting. She is certified in positive psychology and is a qualified administrator of the MBTI.

Three forces inspired Pamela to write The Authenticity Compass:

1. As a child Pamela witnessed constant conflict in her parents’ marriage. This put her on a path to understand why two people who loved each other dearly found themselves in a continual state of conflict. Her studies revealed facts about human communication that all readers of The Authenticity Compass can apply and benefit from.

2. As a quality management professional working in Corporate America for several decades Pamela studied the leadership practices of many executives. One was an exceptional leader whose story she hopes will encourage leaders of all organizations to embrace the purpose-driven power of authenticity.

3. A cancer diagnosis motivated Pamela to embrace journal writing as a means of documenting key life lessons for her children. She wanted to make sure her children understood the essential roles self-awareness and accountability play in living an authentic life. She also wanted to ensure they knew “being authentic” is a requirement for experiencing sustainable success and happiness. As a result of her journaling, the tool, the Authenticity Compass, emerged. This is a tool she wants to share with as many people as possible to help promote the best in humanity.

Pamela wants to share the Authenticity Compass with people who can put the tool to good use. In particular, she believes life coaches, leadership and business development consultants, HR professionals (who are committed to strengthening their company’s culture, employee engagement, and DEI) and teachers (who are dedicated to the well-being and growth of their students) will find the AC to be a powerful addition to their toolkits.

If you would like a free consulting session on the use of the Authenticity Compass you can reach Pamela at

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